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How Daddy Got An STD: Understanding Safe Sex And Prostitution (Rejected Children’s Books)

March 5, 2020 - Comment

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases Dad goes out every night. After he and mommy fight. What he does we do not know. Mommy says he’s with a hoe. Suddenly dad got a rash. Mommy can’t stop talking trash. In the car and off we go. To

This post contains affiliate links. As an Amazon Associate I earn from qualifying purchases

Dad goes out every night. After he and mommy fight. What he does we do not know. Mommy says he’s with a hoe. Suddenly dad got a rash. Mommy can’t stop talking trash. In the car and off we go. To the doctor, he must show. His penis has a strange red bump. The hookers are who he likes to hump. Now daddy has the HIV. A disease you can get sexually. Mom and dad no longer talk. Because dad can’t contain his cock

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