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Children Just Like Me: Celebrations!

September 5, 2016 - Comment

From the dazzling costumes of the Rio Carnival to the role of the elephants in Sri Lanka, children everywhere will love learning about the festival and the wonderful ways to celebrate them.Dorling Kindersley Publishers never fail to create beautiful, engaging children’s books, packed with fascinating information. In Celebrations, photographer Barnabas Kindersley teams up with writer

From the dazzling costumes of the Rio Carnival to the role of the elephants in Sri Lanka, children everywhere will love learning about the festival and the wonderful ways to celebrate them.Dorling Kindersley Publishers never fail to create beautiful, engaging children’s books, packed with fascinating information. In Celebrations, photographer Barnabas Kindersley teams up with writer Anabel Kindersley and UNICEF to create a fascinating journey exploring the cultural traditions of children all over the world. Harry Belefonte notes in his introduction, “Here is your opportunity to travel by book to nearly every corner of the globe … [and] join children everywhere in celebrating important events in their lives.” In addition to photographs of traditional costumes and customs, each child from the wide range of countries represented gives a first-person account of how holidays are celebrated. Children will enjoy learning about how kids like just like them have fun, and in the process will broaden their cultural horizons. (Ages 8 to 12)

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