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Adventures of a French Mouse: Sophie the Mouse and the Oyster (Volume 1)

May 2, 2017 - Comment

Adventures of a French Mouse: Sophie the Mouse and the Oyster. First Adventure. This beloved family favorite is now being offered on Amazon for the very first time! Introduce your child to Sophie, a chic yet adorable little white mouse; and join her as she walks around Paris learning about cheese, and fashion and how

Adventures of a French Mouse: Sophie the Mouse and the Oyster. First Adventure.

This beloved family favorite is now being offered on Amazon for the very first time!

Introduce your child to Sophie, a chic yet adorable little white mouse; and join her as she walks around Paris learning about cheese, and fashion and how to make friends the French way.

In this first volume of all things Sophie, we accompany her on an adventure where she makes some new friends and discovers sea animals.

This book is sweet and fun and bursting with French attitude. With its colorful, vivid and whimsical illustrations strewn throughout the text, both you and your child will be drawn into the exciting, alluring world of Paris, France from an irresistible “mouse-eye” view. Your child will be exposed to French words and pronunciations, learn about what people eat and wear in Paris, and widen his or her worldview, as you read about daily life, exploration and etiquette the Parisian way!

This touching tale has been translated into multiple languages and is already loved by countless children and their families. Written with style and humor that will be enjoyed by both children and their parents, this charming book is sure to become a well-read favorite in your child’s library and enjoyed for generations to come.

Introduce your child to Sophie (“with an emphasis on the ‘e’ pronounced (soh-fee)”, the curious and brave little mouse, and you will both be ready and waiting for her second adventure, Sophie and the Magician, which is soon to be published on Amazon.

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